
National Sales Meeting 2021


Sterling Computers


IT Services

Project Detail

I oversaw this project and was given the title to build them around. The title given was Charting the Course, and I decided to start the process with finding relevant terms and material to charting a course. I had to decide between two different routes; one being a nautical them with ships and waves but, unfortunately South Dakota is nowhere new any oceans. My second choice was to go with an adventurous, mountain and hiking theme. With a state that has great trails and amazing views it was natural to go with that one.

With this theme in mind I had the idea of setting a tone of adventure and trekking through an area not found before. This is why I chose to use silhouettes and a single man on top of mountain tops.

The company wanted to go bigger this year as most natural do when they grow. I saw a problem with the team only creating materials for the floor and walls. I saw a solution for something new and created hanging signs to hang from the support beams. I decided on a foam core sign material for the simple fact that it comes in big sheets and it’s light so it won’t fall or damage the beams.